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The page where personalities come to die !! Lol !

Aren’t these bits often like an obituary !

So, if this was mine I don’t want it to say ‘I went peacefully’ more like ‘she skidded in with a with a second to spare screaming “what a ride” !!

Yep..  I’m kind of like that … badly behaved for my age and well … I’ve earned it

I’m a northern Brit living in Broome … brought up where the weather was 90% rain !! well that sucked so here I am …’gone troppo’ with 90% sun instead :))

But, the story goes a bit like this … Dahlia Designs had very humble beginings, making pieces of jewellery in a caravan park back in 2004. I knew that I had found what I wanted to do…. passers by stopped to see what I was making out of beads, wire, even safety pins !! .. and they loved it. And at this point, not a pearl in sight !

I started with a small table at The Broome Markets as many do. The business has since grown and expanded with stockists in many resorts and shops around Broome and The Kimberley and further afield in Australia. All of these supporting my small business which I’m eternally grateful for. 

You will still find me at The Broome markets on Saturday and Sunday mornings 8am until 12.30pm and at the night markets on Thursdays 4 -8pm (in season)

The business name.... well, I often get called Dahlia which I don't mind, but I'm often asked where did the name come from? It's very simple ... it was my dads favourite flower.  I can remember them in the garden many years ago when I was little, probably about 6 or 7 years old, and he'd call me out to look at the stunning colourful blooms. And they had a wonderful fragance too ..... and that memory makes me giggle as I remember my dad getting stung by a bumble bee on the end of his nose !!

Not funny at the time I guess ... I know I was terrified :)) … it’s only in probably the last decade as I’ve become an avid gardener too that I’m no longer afraid of them … they are friends that help everything bloom and be fruitful  

So.. what’s next ? .... well I love what I do so, my plans are to keep designing, keep having fun and keep making my customers/new friends smile.....

Thanks so much

Amanda xxx